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Martes, Setyembre 17, 2013


· “Ang Mga Karapatan Nang Tao- which is a Tagalog translation of “The Rights of Man” proclaimed by
the French Revolution in 1789
· “A la Nacion Española” (To the Spanish Nation)- Rizal wrote in 1891, which is an appeal to Spain to
right the wrongs done to the Calamba tenants
· “Sa Mga Kababayan” (To my Countrymen)- another proclamation written in December, 1891
explaining the Calamba agrarian situation
· The Hong Kong Telegraph- a British daily newspaper whose editor is Mr. Frazier Smith, a friend of
-Rizal contributed articles to this newspaper
· “Una Visita a la Victoria Gaol” (A Visit to Victoria Gaol)- Rizal wrote on March 2, 1892, an account of
his visit to the colonial prison of Hong Kong
-in this article, Rizal contrasted the cruel Spanish prison system with the modern and more humane British prison system
· “Colonisation du British North Borneo, par de Familles de Iles Philippines” (Colonization of British North Borneo by Families from the Philippine Islands)- an article in French which Rizal elaborated on the same idea in aonther article in Spanish, “Proyecto de Colonizacion del British North Borneo por los Filipinos” (Project of the Colonization of British North Borneo by the Filipinos)
· “La Mano Roja” (The Red Hand)- Rizal wrote in June, 1892, which was printed in sheet form in Hong
-it denounces the frequent outbreaks of intentional fires in Manila
· Constitution of La Liga Filipina- the most important writing made by Rizal during his Hong Kong sojourn, which was printed in Hong Kong, 1892
-to deceive the Spanish authorities, the printed copies carried the false information that the printing was done by the LONDON PRINTING PRESS
· Domingo Franco-a friend of Rizal in Manila whom the copies of the printed Liga constitution were sent

6 (na) komento:

  1. It is so informative! Great Job. :)

  2. This blog acquire and gives information about Rizal. Thanks for making it. :)

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  4. Where can I find the full article of A la Nacion Espaniola by Rizal?

    Mga Tugon
    1. i also trying to find the full article but unfortunately no file is available

  5. Where can i find the article of all that writings?
